Of course, there are some conditions to such a high honor. Here they are:
1. Answer the survey below in one word answers.
2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers.
3. Alert them that you have given them this award.
4. Have fun!
And now the fun part:
*Where is your cell phone?-- I don't have a cell phone! How weird is that? I don't like them.
*Your Hair?--brunette and in a ponytail
*Your Mother?--awesome!
*Your Father?--
*Favorite Food?--Oh, too hard. Healthy? Summer fruits and veggies... Take out? Chinese... Junk? French fries or Pizza
*Your Dream Last Night?--nothing, just sweet exhaustion
*Your Favorite Drink?-- water
*Your Dream/Goal?--writer/ famous blogger
*What Room are you in?--living room
*Your Hobby?--all thing crafting and nutrition
*Your Fear?--being a bad mommy
*Where do you want to be in 6 years?--right here
*Where were you last night?--at the grocery store
*Something that you aren't?--a morning person
*Muffins?--blueberry or chocolate, chocolate chip
*Wish List Item?--so many, yoga mat?
*Where did you grow up?--California
*Last thing you did?--put the kids to bed
*What are you wearing?--orange t-shirt, blue jeans
*Your TV?--on, waiting for LOST
*Your pets?--Annie, my kitty, laying over my arms as I type
*Friends?--at home with kids
*Your Life?--fast-paced, full
*Your Mood?--tired, busy
*Missing someone?--yes, hubby at work
*Vehicle?--one sedan, one SUV
*Something you're not wearing?--makeup
*Your favorite store?--the nearest scrapbook store
*Your favoite color--red or blue, depending on my mood
*When was the last time you laughed?--reading to the kdis before bed
*Last time you cried?--this weekend
*Your best friend?--too far away
*One place that I go to over and over?--the gym
*One person who emails you regularly?--my mom
*Favorite place to eat?--not sure, love Red Lobster and Red Robin, love Deja Vu (will tell you about it soon), Shoji's,, any place with fresh fish
As for my 6 bloggers....
1 comment:
Thanks I will do this very soon..
Have a great St. Patrick's day..
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