With two little ones, I feel like I practically live in my car. We go to preschool 3 days/ week, the gym 5 days/week, church on Sunday mornings, small group Wenesday nights, errands, gym class, etc, etc. And every time, "Can I bring my blanket and Lambie?", "Where's Baby Girl's baby?", "Who has the diaper bag?", "Can't leave without my morning coffee.", and "I've just gotta get her down for nap; I'll grab that stuff later." Seems like the list of odds and ends grows longer in the car. I've been meaning to clean out both cars for weeks now. So one morning while Baby Girl was taking a nap, Big Boy and I went out to clear out the little white car. You'll never believe what I found:
-2 reusable water bottles
-2 coffee mugs
-1 Big Boy backpack
-3 serving trays from hubby's old job
-1 Women's Retreat planning folder
-1 issue of Women's Day magazine
-1 baggie of graham crackers
-2 copies of gym schedules
-1 old rent receipt
-1 Big Boy jacket
-3 copies of school vacation schedules
-1 toy dinosauer
-1 pair Baby Girl pink crocs
-2 sippy cups
-2 sets of tie downs
-1 fold up frisbee
-2 Big Boy hats
-1 Baby Girl diaper
-2 pair Baby Girl socks
-1 car duster
-1 bag of Mary Kay product
-2 new shirts from the thrift store
-1 set of toy goggles
-4 kids' books
-1 baby brush
-1 plastic golf ball
-2 stray socks
-1 bag of scrapbook stuff from Michael's
-multiple empty water bottles
-multiple empty YAKS cups
-multiple empty baggies
-multiple trash papers
-multiple receipts
Multiple, multiple, multiple. I swear it all multiplied while it was in there. But now my car is so clean. We didn't even touch the trunk which really doesn't have much. And I haven't vaccumed yet, but already I can't believe the difference. It's so refreshing to get into a car and not have to push stuff over to get my feet in. I'm loving my new car.
What are you tackling today?
To see what others are tackling, check out 5 Minutes for Mom.
Sounds like my van! Great tackle!
OMGoodness! TOo funny! Can you tackle my car next? :P
As I was reading your list of found items I had the tune of "The Hungry Little Catterpillar" in my head. :)
Great job! I put that off all the time too. And it doesn't help that my husband's way of cleaning out his car is to put all the stuff he doesn't need into my van. :)
I think I'll use your post as inspiration for my tackle next week.
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