I was thinking the other day that I wanted to do some fun little project with Big Boy for Valentine's Day. He's just started preschool a few weeks ago and won't be there for the party. So he doesn't have much of a concept of what Valentine's Day is. In light of Christmas, Valentine's Day seems to pale in our house, but I thought it might be fun to do a small project that would focus on our love as a family. So this is what we came up with: Valentine's Boxes. Nothing fancy. But a little thrill and it's the messages inside that count. But this is what we've been up to.
These are just a few of the items you'll need to complete this project:
2 paper plates
Tape or stapler
Markers, crayons, paint
Confetti and glitter
Cut one paper plate in half.
This is what you should have.
Here comes the fun part. Pull out all the stickers, markers, crayons, glitter, confetti, and paint you can handle. Anything else you can think of. I just let Baby girl have some stickers and crayons. But Big Boy was very into the project and even added to his sisters later.
After you've colored and decorated your paper plates, put them face together and tape them in several spots. Staples would work even better, but I couldn't find our stapler at the time. Make sure you put them face together, creating a pocket inside.
And here's the final product: covered in confetti, marker, crayons, and stickers. I marked each of them with our names so we wouldn't get our preschool creations mixed up. And we've lined them up on the wall. There's 5 this year: Daddy, Mommy, Noah, Lydia, and our housemate.
Each day until Valentine's Day, we sit down and write down something we wish or hope or love about the other people. Then on Valentine's Day, we'll have a whole box full of good wishes and love. I can't wait to see what Big Boy thinks when he gets to read them. And as we're writing them, it trains him to think of others, good wishes he has for them or special times we've spent together. One of them he wrote to Baby Girl said that he loves dancing with her.
My thought is to write down each one after we open them on Valentine's Day. I'd like to keep the special memories and wishes for us to look back on for years to come.
That's what Works for Me.
Very cute!
So sweet!! My kids love to make valentine cards for their friends...
Hey we did something just like that for my WFMW last week. This week we did decorations. Great job.It looks like your kids had as much of a blast as ours did doing it.
Great project for the kids. Thanks.
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