Lindsey from Passionate Homemaking is hosting our book discussion and provides a great summary of chapter 1 here.
I read this chapter twice throughout the week and got a lot out of it. As Lindsey was saying, I often times find myself wanting to jump to the "meat" of the issue and will neglect the philosphy behind it. But this chapter is essential in preparing my heart and my character to establish a home filled with warmth and sincerity. Just as my actions reflect my heart, I cannot create a hospitable environment without first aligning my heart to the will, and character, of God.
1. What character qualities do you believe are the most important to cultivate in preparing to practice hospitality?
Obviously, the first is humility because if the invitation is not extended, then the meeting will never happen. But let's assume, we're already walking in humility. What character quality then are important in creating a hospitable home?
The two that stick out to me are walking in trustworthiness and integrity. A woman who can be trusted with the deepest of confidences and delivers wise counsel is a friend to be sought after. She is a woman we seek to model our lives after. She hasn't got it all together, but what she does have is rich and valuable. We don't have to worry about her blabbing our darkest indiscretions, or counseling us without wisdom. We can trust her and trust what she says.
2. Which of these are you lacking and how can you begin cultivating it more purposefully?
Led by the Spirit--My own tongue gets in the way some times. Not that what I have to say is unwise, it just isn't always the right time to say it. Too often I allow my own agenda to interfere with the natural flow of conversation. Or jump ahead with my own judgments before allowing the Holy Spirit to move in his own timing. I need to prayfully become more comfortable with silence and model my conversations in such a way that they include more listening than talking.
Instrumental in Producing Righteousness-- I'd like to memorize Philippians 4:8 :"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellant or praiseworthy- think about such things." By memorizing this Scripture, and training my mind to think on such things, the words that flow from my mouth will be more effective in leading others toward Godly character.
Join us next week as we tackle chapter 2: Hospitality and Strangers.
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