In continuing to think about the Real Resolutions for Moms, (check out Part 2 here), that we've been unpacking, this next one couldn't come at a better time.
"I will make my prayer requests known before God and my children, enlisting their help in the process and informing them of the outcome, for by letting them help when I petition our Lord will they learn of a living God who still answers prayer."
Each night I lay in Big Boy's bed with him after he's been tucked in and is getting ready to sleep. We start with the question, "What do you want to tell God tonight?" I've been trying to teach him that prayer is nothing more than just talking to God, telling him what Big Boy thinks and feels, what made an impression on him in the day. Then I give him the option of me or him praying, or both of us praying. Usually he opts for Mommy to pray, but once in awhile he'll pray and it's so refreshing to hear how innocent and real his prayers are.
For the past couple of weeks, we've been praying for one of his good friend's dad to get a job as well as our Daddy to get a job. Every night for about 6 weeks, we've faithfully prayed for both Daddy's to find good jobs. This afternoon, I received a phone call from our friends letting us know that our prayers had been answered and a job was offered and accepted yesterday. Additionally, my husband had a great interview yesterday and we're patiently awaiting what's going to happen in that situation. I can't wait to pray with Big Boy tonight and tell him the outcome of our prayers.
"Lord, may I continue to disciple my children in seeking your face. Remind me to include them in our prayers so they can see that your truly hear and answer us. May I never think that prayer should just be instinctual, but rather remember that it's taught. Remind me to keep it applicable and relevant. And keep us mindful to thank you when you answer us."
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