Monday, August 16, 2010

Everyone has a story... What's yours?

Every Life Has A Story - Chick-fil-A from Dan T. Cathy on Vimeo.

As the summer begins to wrap up and school anticipation ramps up, I've been looking toward the future.  For some people January brings up those feelings of new beginnings.  For me, it's always that back to school time of year.  That anticipation of a new school year... it always has me re-evaluating my goals and where I'm heading.

With all that said, the Lord has been working in my heart about women who have a story to tell.  Stories of hurts and healing.  Stories of how God met them in their darkest hour.  Stories of hope.

Starting in September, I want to start highlighting some of these stories.  The Lord has placed some wonderful women in my life who have incredible stories to share.  And Creative2xmom is opening up to be a place of encouragement and challenging.  Won't you join us in learning from these women and what God has done in their lives.  Can't wait to see where this journey takes us.

1 comment:

Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

I am the same way -- it seems that when school starts up, that is my "new year", maybe it is because we establish new routines, schedules, etc. in our lives here.

I look forward to reading the stories about woman and the change that has taken place.


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