Thursday, September 4, 2008


In honor of Labor Day, Shannon, at Rocks in my Dryer, posted a blog about, what else?, Labor.  Although I'm too late to link, I thought I'd share my story with you.

How long were your labors?
Big Boy- steady for about a good 12 hours, two of which involved pushing
Baby Girl- scheduled C-section

How did you know you were in labor?
Big Boy- steady contractions
Baby Girl- scheduled C-section

Where did you deliver?
Big Boy- Mercy Medical Center, Redding, Ca-- the only place to deliver for 45 minutes
Baby Girl- Mercy Medical Center

Big Boy- Yes, when I got to the hospital, I was almost an 8 cm and almost past the point of being able to get one.  Made my spinal easier for the C-section
Baby Girl- Spinal

Big Boy- His labor was really fast, but pushing was slow.  He was face up and wedged in.
Baby Girl- My hospital doesn't do VBACs

Who delivered?
Big Boy- my great doctor from living here before
Baby Girl- same doctor

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