6:50 am-- Wake up and start singing
6:52 am-- Talk to your teddy bear, big brother, and the sun out your window
6:55 am-- Mom's not waking up; start kicking the wall...
6:56 am--- "Mommy!!!!!!"
6:57 am--- "MOMMY!!!"
7:00 am-- Ahh! Mom finally rescues you ... immediately start speaking at an unGodly volume about the purple sky outside and how gross smoothies and bagels are
7:05 am-- Eat half of breakfast before complaining that you don't like it and throw a fit until a second breakfast arrives on your plate
7:15 am-- Realize that second breakfast isn't coming and the smoothie and bagel are actually better than sitting in timeout
7:30 am--Decide it's time to get dressed and run around naked for 20-30 min... where's Mom?
8 am-- Finally really get dressed... leave pajamas on the floor
8:15 am--Find where mom hides the finger paints...decide that finger painting the paper isn't nearly as fun as finger painting your body
8:45 am--Sent to the bathroom to wash up.....
9 am-- Still washing... possibly overflowing the bathroom sink
Still washing....
Still washing...
9:03 am-- Mom stomps in and turns off the water after discovering the cat has also had a bath
9:05 am-- Sent to your room to find dry clothes... return in a spiderman costume
9:10 am-- Build a dinosaur park, complete with lego corral
9:20 am--Dinosaurs break loose, creating a preschool version of Jurassic Park
9:45 am-- Bomb Jurassic Park with a Peppermint Playdough ball...
10 am-- Take one bit of an apple. Realize you want what your sister is having for snack instead. Return said apple to cupboard.
10:02 am-- Mom says it might be time for a nap!