Monday, October 31, 2016

37 Random Things On My 37th Birthday

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Yesterday was my birthday!  Yep, I'm another year old, but not necessarily another year wiser.  I still stay up too late and eat too much sugar.  Old habits die hard.

But in the spirit of celebrating my birthday, I thought I'd share with you 37 Random Things about Myself on my 37th Birthday!

1. Tree frogs scare me.  They hop all over the place and I'm always afraid they'll jump on me.

2. I love making lists: reading lists, to-do lists, grocery lists... but I never quite get to all of it.

3. My favorite Christmas cookies are my Grandma's Jelly Filled Shortbread Cookies.  I usually just make a batch big enough for myself.

4. I'm a night owl, through and through.  Reading, sitcoms, scrapbooking... my night starts around 10 pm.

5. Growing up, I wanted to be a marine biologist, an astronaut, a seismologist, and more.  I settled on being a teacher.

6. I love playing softball.

7. I left my heart in Ukraine, not once, not twice, but three times.

8. I know I have a book in me somewhere.

9. I have that California dis-taste for fatty meats.  Lean meats all the way for this woman.

10. My favorite animal is horses.  I always wanted to own one.

11. Fruit is my favorite summer time dessert.  Stone fruits are a favorite.

12. I'm afraid of heights, but I've been zip lining in the Alaskan rainforest... twice!

13. I love a French Tip manicure.

14. I have thin skin.  People like to think I'm tough, but things get to me all too easily.

15. Eating chicken off the bone makes me squeamish.

16. I love the idea of wearing a white linen suit and breezing through the day.  And then I remember it's not just the kids that are messy.  It's me too.

17. My favorite perfume is still Tommy Girl.  Yes, I've had it forever.  No, I'm not giving it up.

18. My library card is always maxed out on checkouts.  Good thing I can reserve books on all three kids' cards as well.

19. I hate breakfast, but could drool over the thought of overnight oatmeal.

20. I always knew I would adopt.

21. Peanut Butter and Chocolate are my favorite combination.  But right behind that is pumpkin and chocolate.

22. My earliest memory was around 4 years old.  We took a trip to Disneyland and the grandkids got to take turns sitting in the front seat.  I remember how excited I was when it was my turn.

23. My nightstand is overflowing with recent issues of Shape, My Utmost for His Highest, and black hair ties.

24.  I took piano lessons for years as a kid.  I haven't played much over the years, but it still comes back quickly.

25. History is my favorite subject to teach.  I didn't always enjoy it as a student, but now as the teacher, I love the look into real people in history.

26. I love keeping our Christmas cards as prayer reminder for friends and family.

27. Pumpkin Pie is my favorite ice cream flavor.

28. I'm addicted to spin class.

29. I love to cook, but make the world's worst mashed potatoes.

30. I gave up soda about 15 months ago.  Figured it wasn't help, only hurting.  But there are still days I'd love to have a Pepsi with some popcorn.

31. Disneyland is my happy place.

32. I just can't make myself eat sushi.  Having grown up eating fish, I've heard too often to make sure that the fish is cooked.  Old habits die hard.

33. I have two piercings in my ears, but no other piercings.

34. National and State Parks are some of my favorite places to be... peaceful... beautiful... perfect places to explore.

35. Once Upon a Time is my current favorite drama on television.

36. Wooden toys for the kids are my favorite gifts to give.

37. I hate puzzles.  My husband and kids love them, but I'm too impatient.

Hope you guys are having a great Halloween!  And we'll see you in November!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Weekend Links

This Week:

What I Made:  Lydia and I made a batch of chocolatey chocolate chip zucchini muffins.  They are one of our favorites in the fall.  I also carved out some time to scrap 2 pages of baseball photos.

What I'm Reading:  I just finished Hope for the Weary Mom.  I need this one.  Check out the October Bookmarks post for the details.

What I'm Doing:  We've been so busy, I can hardly catch my breath.  Fall Ball finishes this week.  We made a trip to the Pumpkin Patch and finished up costumes.  The kids look so cute!

What I'm Watching:  I had realized that Once Upon a Time has started and is already several weeks in.  I'm not typically a fantasy/sci-fi fan, but I love that series.

What I'm Enjoying:  fall soups... cooler weather... physics studies... 

What are you up to?

2016 October Bookmarks

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*Bookmarks is an online book club hosted at Creative2xmom. Here we discuss the books we've read in the past month as well as the suggested reading. Our suggested reading for October was Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacy Thacker and Brooke McGlothin.

These are the books I read this month:

The Angel of Forest Hill by Cindy Woodsmall--See my review here.

The Wish by Beverly Lewis--See my review here.

What We Read with the Kids:

How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell-- I'll be honest.  This wasn't my favorite book.  It was gross... really gross.  Maybe it's the mom in me, but I just couldn't get over all the snot, and farts, and bodily functions going on in this book.  As well as the names... Goober, Snotlout, Fishlegs... in the end, the dragon does learn the true meaning of friendship and loyalty.  So the story redeemed itself.  But really... yuck.... I just can't like this one.

Our suggested reading for October was Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacy Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin--  I needed this book this month.  Life has been a "mess" with three kids starting school and sports to keep up with and just life in general.  I needed hope.  This was an encouraging read that came at just the right time.

So what are your bookmarks this month?

Tell us in the comments about the books you're chewing on. Or link up a review from your own blog. Let's share the books we're finding, good and bad. And give us your thoughts on Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacy Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin.

And come back November 18th as we discuss Every Day by David Levithan.

*Linked to these Parties

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Berenstain Bears Bedtime Devotional {Review}

We are big Berenstain Bears fans in this house.  You've seen many of our reviews before (God Shows the Way, God Bless Our Country, The Biggest Brag, etc) and we just can't get enough of these little bears.  I love how each story focuses on character development without being self-righteous.  And how in the end, Mama and Papa, although not perfect, aren't made out to be foolish.

This pocket sized devotional is the latest in the Berenstain Bears collection.  This bedtime devotional is divided into nine sections each illustrating another attribute of God's character.  For example, the Be A Good Friend section includes stories about how to develop good friendships and be loyal to others.  Each devotion is a short one page including a story, verse, picture, and prayers.  Some devotions also have a "Carry On Cub" portion, a call to action of sorts encouraging the reader to take further steps.  

Priced at $12 for this hardcover edition, this would make a great gift idea for the holidays coming up. Written for ages 4-8 years, this devotional is a great place for children and parents to begin growing together in God's word and establishing nightly devotions.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.

*Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pumpkin Spice Caramel Banana Bread {Pinterest Inspired}

The weather's been cooling off here and the mornings have been dewey.  In fact, it actually rained on Noah's birthday, surprising us all.

This is the time of year where school days are spent curled up on the couch and baking becomes an afternoon activity.  So when Lydia finished early one day and wanted to bake, I pulled up this recipe for her and she went right to work.

We love the richness of Pumpkin Bread in the fall and with the addition of caramel, what could go wrong?  So she rolled up her sleeves and gathered her ingredients.  My kitchen was quickly filled with the sounds of pots and pans rustling and heated by a warm stove.  In the end, she came out with two moist loaves of a unique and tasty snack bread.

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Pumpkin Spice Caramel Banana Bread
(*from Sparkles of Yum)

2 c. flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c. butter
3/4 c. brown sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
6 mashed bananas
1/2 c. caramel bits
1 tsp vanilla

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix all dry ingredients by hand.
3. Mix in wet ingredients and beat until smooth.
4. Stir in caramel bits.
5. Pour into greased pan and bake 60-65 min. 
6. Cool on wire rack 15-20 min, and allow to cool completely.

This was a yummy recipe that we'll be including in our collection... after we play with it a bit.  We all agreed that there was too much banana and we wanted more of the pumpkin caramel flavor.  So rest assured, we'll be coming back with this recipe again, after we've had some time to adjust it to our liking.
What are you baking up this fall?

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Wish {Review]

When Gloria Gingrich and her family mysteriously leave their home in Lancaster County, Leona deeply mourns her best friend.  Gloria and her family filled a special place in Leona's heart, becoming more like family than neighbors.  But as Gloria's father is suddenly expelled from the church, the Gingerichs pack up their home and disappear.  


Three years later, Leona receives a letter from Gloria, desperate to reconnect.  Will Leona take a risk going against church leadership to reach out?  Will her deepest wish come true?  And who else has a true wish that's waiting to be revealed?

Beverly Lewis builds a complex story.  Leona and Gloria's friendship transcends time and religious lines, and yet in an Amish community, the lines of religion and family are very tight.  That makes this a tough storyline to navigate.  Lewis has to be very conscious of her character's upbringing and still bring a lot of humanity to both Leona and Gloria.  So while the storyline was somewhat predictable (with a few surprises), it was the characters that kept it interesting.  Lewis' ability to develop great characters continues and that's what saves The Wish.

Bottom line: If the library has a copy or there's a friend you can borrow this book from, pick it up.  It's a relaxing read  and a good story about friendship.  But if you're picking up your own copy, buy this one used.  

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Saying Good-bye to The Little People

In This Weekly Wrap…

We rearrange our schedule, say good-bye to The Little People, and go on a field trip.

Noah’s 11th Birthday Vlog:

Crockpot Lasagna Soup:

Pumpkin Patch Vlog: Coming Soon!

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FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

All Good In The Wood by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

For Mimi by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Friday, October 21, 2016

DITL 10/13-15/16: Noah's 11th Birthday

 Noah had a rough start to his birthday weekend, but it certainly ended up redeeming itself.  A special birthday dinner, bowling and sleepover with friends, and a family party with a special cake by mom.  We certainly had a great time celebrating our 11 year old!

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FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Happy Strummin by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Open Road by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Landras Dream by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Why do we homeschool? {VHC}

Why do you homeschool?  Why do you continue homeschooling? What was your initial reason and is it the same today?  Learn the back story and why we continue to homeschool our kids, all this and more in this virtual homeschool co-op video.

This video is my part of the Virtual Homeschool Co-Op Channel Collaboration.You can find out more there:

The goal of the Virtual Homeschool Coop is to build the homeschool community of knowledge with collaborations to give voice to all experiences in homeschooling.

To link your respose to this assignment, go to:

Contact us for business inquiries, reviews and collaborations: 

FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Weekend Links

This Week:

What I Made:  I made some yummy pumpkin chocolate chip muffins.  They were so good and not too sweet.  I love the taste of fall.

What I'm Reading:  I'm reading the October bookmarks selection and it's been very good.  It's funny how you build a list in January, but when October comes around, it's exactly what you needed.

What I'm Doing:  We have a busy weekend.  There's always so much to do in the fall, so many fun activities to be a part of.  This weekend, we're working on costumes, doing some hands-on projects, and attending a swim team fundraiser.

What I'm Watching:  We've been watching The King of Queens reruns.  Does anyone remember that show?  I love it.  Along the same lines as Everybody Loves Raymond and great for a laugh.

What I'm Enjoying:  Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins... hiking, hiking, hiking... cooler weather... creative costumes... selling off some clutter...

What are you up to?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kids' Physics Experience/ Science for Kids {Collab}

In September, we visited an exhibit demonstrating many of the physics elements that we’re studying in our homeschool.  The kids had a great time and learned so much while we were there.  Thank you to the many staff and volunteers at our local children’s museum.


Science with Kids Collab Playlist:

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FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Hit My Soul by Silent Partner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Crockpot Lasagna Soup

This Lasagna Soup recipe is a family favorite.  Rich, flavorful, and full of vegetables make it great for a fall/winter evening.


Youtube Mommy Meetup FB Page:

YTMM Crocktober Playlist:

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FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Redwood Trail by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Friday, October 14, 2016

Weekend Links

This Week:

What I Made:  Hahaha... I'm made my first ice cream cake for Noah's birthday this weekend.  That was interesting, but not as difficult as you would think.

What I'm Reading:  I'm reading The Wish by Beverly Lewis.  It's good, but I'm not sure where it's headed so we'll see.

What I'm Doing:  This week was filled to the brim with SCHOOL.  We had a rough week and I really felt bad when Noah had a rough day on his birthday.

What I'm Watching:  Survivor of course!  And sadly no more Giants baseball.

What I'm Enjoying:  Cooler weather... book studies... core group... hiking...

What are you up to?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Happy 11th Birthday, Noah!

Happy Birthday, Kiddo!

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Thanksgiving 2015

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Little League Spring 2016

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Getting the Game Ball (May 2016)

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Last Day of 5th Grade (May 2016)

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First Two Fish He's Ever Caught
July 2016

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Feeding the Parrots
Aug 2016

Homeschool Emergency Preparation {VHC}

What is your emergency preparedness plan?  In case of a tornado, flood, or earthquake.... what will you grab and what will you leave behind?

This video is my part of the Virtual Homeschool Co-Op Channel Collaboration.You can find out more there:

The goal of the Virtual Homeschool Coop is to build the homeschool community of knowledge with collaborations to give voice to all experiences in homeschooling.

To link your respose to this assignment, go to:

Contact us for business inquiries, reviews and collaborations:

FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

DITL Oct 8, 2016: Traveling the Volcanic Highway

It was a FULL day of hiking in Lassen Volcanic National Park with a short walk to Manzanita Lake, hiking to King's Creek Falls, and discovering Bumpass Hell.  The kids hiked and skipped their way through the park and Mama cheated on dinner!

Our Previous DITL: 9/17/16:

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FTC DISCLOSURE: This video is not sponsored.

Music Attribution:

Country Cue 1 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Happy Strummin by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Open Road by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Landras Dream by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Angel of Forest Hill {Review}

Rose Kurtz and Joel Dienner find themselves marrying in less than ideal circumstances.  When Rose's bishop asks her to assist the family in a time of crises, she's immediately learns that Joel's wife has died in childbirth.  And for Joel, mourning his wife's unexpected death, life seems overwhelming with three little ones to provide for and look after.

And so they build a marriage of convenience... Joel finding a mother for his children and Rose escaping an abusive family life.  Their marriage defies the traditional sense of the word and ... it works for them.  Over time, they begin to care for each other, much deeper than they first intended.  But as their love begins to blossom, Rose is hit with insecurities from the past.  Can she escape the memories that haunt her?  Or is Joel simply playing her for a fool?

The perfect book to get in the mood for the holidays... The Angel of Forest Hill is a quick read and easily completed in a few sittings.  Woodsmall intertwines the story through both Joel and Rose's viewpoints, providing a light yet meaningful story for the holidays.  Although the plot could certainly have been fleshed out more, The Angel of Forest Hill presents characters that are relatable and enduring.  And it's well worth the read.

*Disclaimer: I received this book free from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Maple Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls {Pinterest Inspired}

*This post was originally published on 11/15/13.  Enjoy!

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These Cinnamon Rolls popped up on Pinterest about a week ago and I was practically drooling.  And since it's fall... and since I'm a pumpkin fanatic...  well, these were baking in our house this weekend!  If you love pumpkin, these pumpkin cinnamon rolls just might find a place in your cookbook.

Maple Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls
(*from Creme de la Crumb)

2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
1/4 c. warm water
about 3 c. flour
2/3 c. pumpkin puree
1/2 c. milk
1/4 c. butter, melted
1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
4 Tbsp butter, melted

1 1/2 c. powdered sugar
1-2 Tbsp milk
1 tsp maple extract
1 Tbsp maple syrup

(or cheat like I did and use cream cheese frosting)

1. Dissolve yeast in water to proof.  Add pumpkin, milk, butter, sugar, salt, spice, and vanilla.  Mix together.  Slowly add flour, starting with 2/3 c., and slowly add add as dough forms a ball (mine took 3 c.)

2. Allow dough to rise in a warm place

3. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface.  Mix together filling ingredients in a small bowl.  Brush melted butter over dough and sprinkle filling.  Roll dough tightly and cut into 9 sections.

4. Place cinnamon rolls in a greased pan, cut side down.  Cover and allow to rise until doubled in size (can also refrigerate at this time and bake in the morning).

5.  Preheat oven to 375 and bake 20 min or until golden brown.  Drizzle with prepared frosting and serve warm.


*Linked to these Parties

Monday, October 3, 2016

Top 10 Fall Field Trips

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Fall is here and the leaves are turning.  The days are cooling and it's the perfect time to go exploring.  Since we've been in school for a few weeks now, we're ready for field trip.  And there's so many great opportunities for getting out of the house in the fall.  In our adventures far and wide, these are our Top 10 Fall Field Trips:

1. Nature Walk/ Nature Preserve-- Our local nature preserve schedules walks and explorations year round.  From identifying native plants and wildlife, to public lands clean up and preservation, to cultural demonstrations, we've found a variety of field trips to suit the kids' ages and interests.

2. Pumpkin Patch-- We always make a stop at our local pumpkin patch.  The kids love wandering the field, looking for the perfect pumpkin and marveling at the variety of produce available.  Plus there's plenty of other activities offered: petting zoo, local crafts and foods, corn mazes, pony rides, and more.  Lots to learn about.

3. Pick Your Own-- Fall is a great time to visit a "you pick" farm.  Apples and pears are in season, and grapes are plentiful as well.  This is a great opportunity to teach your kids about farming and where their food comes from.  Then take some home and make one of our favorite treats, like Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars,  Apple Cider Donut Holes, and more.  Check your local listings or this site for farms in your state.

4. Visiting the Farm-- Many local farmers love sharing their trade and offer tours for homeschool groups.  Ours has visited a local alpaca farm as well as a dairy.  The kids get a chance to see the farming industry up close, from raising the animals to finished products.

5. Native American Pow Wow-- Pow Wows are a good opportunity to learn about the native populations in your area.  From the music to the traditional costumes and community structure, there's so much to learn at a traditional Pow Wow.

6. Salmon Festival--  The salmon are spawning, and this is a great time to learn about migration and conservation.  Salmon festivals typically give children a way to view the whole conservation process, from swimming up the salmon ladder, to the fry tanks, and eventual release into the wild.

7. Civil War Re-enactment-- Nothing brings the Civil War to life like a re-enactment.  Re-enactments add the human touch to history, and a Civil War battle provides the mental framework for really understanding the complex issues of slavery, ammancipation, and early American economics.

8. Local Court House-- With elections being held and November being National Adoption Month, the fall is a great time to visit your local court house.  Ask to sit in on a trial or hearing in process, or even an adaption finalization.  Personally, I recommend the adoption.  :-)

9.  Apple Festival-- Our area is known for having a bounty of apple festivals in the fall.  Apple cobbler, music, and family entertainment make it a fun outing for all of us.

10. Virtual Field Trips-- Fall is full of opportunities for learning about early American history.  Why not take a virtual tour of Jamestown or Plymouth?  Or a Wampanoag homesite?  Virtual field trips have become a good resource for us when the places we want to learn about are too far to travel.

So what about your homeschool?
What are your favorite fall field trips?

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Weekend Links

This Week:

What I Made:  Since the weather is finally cooling off, Lydia and I made peanut butter cookies.  They were delicious.  I also started the piñata for Noah's birthday and started a scrapbook page.

What I'm Reading:  Yesterday September's bookmarks post went live.   So check it out.  I also started a new Cindy Woodsmall book that I'm loving so I'm flying through it.  I'll probably have a review up very soon.

What I'm Doing:   Today is super busy.  Used book sale, Farmer's Market, friend's birthday party and possibly making it to the local Pow Wow!  So we're all over the place today as well as working in the yard while the weather is cool. 

What I'm Watching: We're back to watching Survivor which is pretty interesting with the Gen-X team vs. the Millenials.  Go Gen-X!  Also started watching Designated Survivor.  I'm not a huge Kiefer Sutherland fan, but am enjoying this one.

What I'm Enjoying: Cool weather... creamer... fajita salad... big earrings... opening the windows...

What are you up to?
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