Friday, April 8, 2022

Weekend Links ll April 8, 2022

This Week:

What I'm Cooking:
We ended up a meal short this week so I challenged my 14 year old daughter to come up with a plan.  She loves to cook and got a little ambitious.  It turned out to be our best meal of the week:
baked chicken, roasted potatoes, broccoli, and brussel spouts with homemade cranberry sauce.
I might have to put her in charge more often.

What I'm Reading:
This week I realized I needed a little light fiction.  Life has been heavy the past few months and I just needed something light and fluffy.  So while I'm still working my way through Love & Respect in the Family, I added some Amish fiction.  One of my favorite Amish fiction writers is Cindy Woodsmall and I'm rereading a book that she wrote in partnership with her daughter in law.  The Englisch Daughter is one of my favorites as it takes lots of twists and turns, without being too heavy.  It's been just what I needed in this season of life.

What I'm Doing:
The past few weeks have been consumed with trampoline tournaments.  My sixteen year old competes in a sport called Trampoline and Tumbling, or TNT for short.  Then this last weekend, we traveled to the states championship where he received a gold medal in both trampoline and double mini for his division.  This will end the season for us.  It's bittersweet.  We're ready to have our weekends again, but it's also been a joy to see my son compete in a sport he enjoys.

What I'm Enjoying:
Practicing the piano again...
Evening walks with my husband...
Kite paper stars in the windows...

What are you up to?

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