Friday, September 20, 2024

Weekend Links ll September 20, 2024


10 Tips for Intentional Character Training

Beethoven Lives Upstairs Unit Study

Chicken Tinga recipe

Chicken Tinga Recipe

50+ Middle School Astronomy Resources

How to Use Hymns to Teach Truth and Doctrine

How to Teach Truth and Doctrine

This Week: 

What I'm Cooking:

My husband actually made our favorite meal this week.  Sunday night he made a healthier version of falafel and my daughter made the pita.  It's actually a pretty simple recipe, but it always feels like a treat.  Served with some cucumber or green salad and it makes a wonderful dinner.

What I'm Reading:

I'm reading Cold Case Christianity by Jim Wallace for my non-fiction reading.  I always love the way people can examine the Bible and find that it lines up with history and reasoning.  This one's been on my to read list for awhile and I'm glad the library finally got a copy.

What I'm Doing:

We're getting into the swing of fall.  We've been baking, crafting... and still swimming as we're supposed to hit a heat wave again this week.  Always a strange changing of the seasons around here.
What I'm Enjoying:

YWAM biographies...
Dinner with friends...
PE time outside...
World Watch News....
Reading widely...

What are you up to?

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