Friday, September 27, 2024

Weekend Links ll Sept 27, 2024

 Johnny Appleseed Cover

Johnny Appleseed Guide

Trees Lapbook

autumn handicrafts

Autumn Handicrafts for Kids and Teens

Cinnamon Cream Pie |

Cinnamon Cream Pie

This Week: 

What I'm Cooking:

We made a batch of chocolate zucchini muffins this week which is always a family favorite.  I'm sure what it is about these muffins, but they speak fall to me.  Something about the combination of zuchinni and maple flavoring, they make for delicious fall comfort food.

What I'm Reading:

I just finished Cold Case Christianity this morning.  It's been on my list for sometime.  I love how the author was able to systematically investigate the claims of Christianity.  It's just always interesting to see how the Bible holds up to scrutiny.

What I'm Doing:

Our days have been a sweet combination of fall and summer.  Still hot enough to swim, but still cool enough to be on the patio in the mornings.  We've been taking our school work out in the mornings and I bring out my books to read and do some Bible study.  Something about a different environment has opened up new conversation and it's just a nice way to start the day.
What I'm Enjoying:

Cold Case Christianity for Kids...
Shakespeare's As You Like It...
All the fall festivals...
Going through old photos...
seasonal Christmas reads...

What are you up to?

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