Monday, September 23, 2024

31 Brave Questions for Brave Couples

 *this post was originally published on 8/26/13.  Enjoy!

After 12 years of marriage and three children, there are days I look at my husband and wonder when the last time was that we had a real conversation.  Sometimes it feels like we're just going through the motions... getting kids to swim team, PTA meetings, clean up the kitchen, take out the trash... it sometimes makes the days come and go without notice.

And when we do get a quiet moment together, well what is there to talk about?  My brain's so exhausted and yet this is my most important relationship to invest in.  So where do we start?

Hopefully these 31 Brave Questions will give you a jumping off point for your marriage when you have time with your spouse.  So grab a cup of coffee, sit close to one another, and open up your hearts to each other.  Enjoy!

31 Brave Questions for Brave Couples

The first thing I noticed about you was...
My favorite memory from our dating years is...
One thing that surprised me about you was...
Another surprise in our first year of marriage was...
My favorite quality I see in you is...
I love it when you...
The you do that always makes me laugh is...
Our kids would freak out if they knew we...
Before we take our last breath, the one thing I want to do with you is...
I love to see you in...
The most scared I've ever seen you was when...
The happiest I've ever seen you was when...
I used to always wish I could...
If I could have anyone over for dinner (living or dead), it would be...
When we're old and gray, I hope I don't look at you and say, "I wish we had done..."
If I could spend 24 hours doing anything with you, it would be...
If we could travel anywhere together, I'd take you to...
This song always reminds me of you...
My favorite memory of our wedding day is...
My greatest need from you right now is...
If I could have any superhero power it would be...
If I could feast on anything and not get sick, it would be...
I laugh everytime I think of you...
If we could enjoy any hobby together, I love to enjoy.... with you!
My favorite photo of us is the one where...
I feel you love me the most when...
My favorite thing about you when we were dating was...
One thing that scares me is...
I love it when you...
My ideal anniversary trip is...
One thing I want to improve in our relationship is...

What questions are you asking with your spouse?

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