Sunday, May 16, 2010

Made by Me Monday

Oh, what a long weekend!  If you haven't been following the Facebook Page, my husband took Lydia to the ER on Saturday morning while I stayed home with Noah.  She'd been feeling yucky off and on all week.  But after a sleepless night on Friday, we decided we had to have her looked at.  Even if it was just a cold.  

So a few hours, they returned home, only to let us know that it was in fact a huge deal and a very good thing that she had gone to the ER.  The verdict: double ear infection and something between bronchitis and pneumonia.  Wow!  Poor kid had been suffering through that?  

Since she's come home from the doctor, she's definitely been milking all the juice and cartoons she can get out of it.  But I can't blame her.  She's my baby.  I just keep looking at her and thinking about how she must of felt last week.  So little and so vulnerable.  

Needless to say, it was an eventful weekend, but not a productive one.  I did get one small craft done this week.  Probably something I'll wait to put up next week.  And a yummy Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler recipe coming up tomorrow.  I've got my tummy rumbling just thinking about it.  It's so yummy!  So you'll have to come back to see that one.  

The plan is to stick close to home these next couple of days.  Maybe venture out tomorrow just to pick up groceries and some more rhubarb.  Dying to make some Rhubarb Compote.  Yeah, seems like a good plan for tomorrow since we're supposed to have rain... hum...

Anyways... I took a tangent.  What have you been up to this week?  Some yummy recipe to share with us?  A new project you've been working on?  A great creative tip?  

Let's start sharing!  Write a blog post highlighting your project with a link back to this post so that others can join in on the fun.  Then link up below to the individual blog post itself, not your blog as a whole.  You can post more than one project; just add more than one link.  And don't forget to invite your readers to join in as well!


Kristin said...

I'm so glad your little girl is feeling a bit better.

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