Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Eleventh Grade Curriculum ll 2024-25 Picks

As we go into our 13th year of homeschool, I find myself deep into my daughter's high school years.  We're now at the stage of looking at colleges and planning the end game.  It came so fast.  

She's not sure what she wants to do after high school so we're planning the next couple of years with keeping her options open.  She'll continue to keep a heavy workload and do lots of dancing to build a solid transcript and resume.  She's also taking the opportunity to try out some community college classes to get a feel for the workload.  

Here's what she'll be learning her junior year:

  Algebra II:

Saxon Algebra 2 Homeschool Kit, 3rd Edition

We didn't use Saxon until the high school years, but it's been a great fit for her.  She has a strong math background from using Sadlier Oxford and it's made Saxon go very smoothly.  I've purchased the Compass Classroom videos as a back up in case we need more instruction, but so far, it's just been a perfect fit for her.

Budget Math (Life Skills)

She's also working through this Life Skills series with her brother.  It's a bit below her as far as the math goes, but I love that it focuses on real life application.  It's a good reminder of the real world that's coming in a few years.

English III:

For English this year, she'll be taking Eng 101 at our local community college.  We're not quite sure what to expect as it's her first experience there, but we're thankful that she has the opportunity to take college classes at such a low rate while still in high school.

U.S. History:

Exploring America Curriculum Package(2019 Ed)

This is the only the second year we've ever used Notgrass, but so far, it's been a good fit.  We tend to treat it as a single subject resource, but if done completely, it could serve as a resource for three credits: History, English, and Bible.  We focus on history text and had her read some of the historical fiction throughout the course.  Each week, she reads the text and does the review questions, works on one of the projects, and completes a quiz, with an exam every 5 weeks.


Discovering Design with Physics

For Physics, we're going to be using Discovering Design with Physics.  This is a new company for us, so I'm excited to see how it all works out.  She'd like to eventually take some sort of sustainable living/ homesteading science, but for now, we're trying to get something on the transcript that colleges will recognize as a 3rd science.

Performing Arts:

She'll continue to take dance classes and this year we'll label that time as performing arts instead of P.E.  

I can definitely see this girl dancing throughout her life.  Between classes and performing, she'll have more than enough hours for a credit in the arts.

Sanitation and Safety:

She'll also be taking an elective at the local college.  This is the introductory course to start her culinary arts classes.


Grade 7 Bible "God Visits His Chosen Family" Set

Besides establishing a regular devotional time, we'll also be using at Rod and Staff's Bible curriculum.  This curriculum runs from level 5-10, but that doesn't necessarily coincide with grades.  Rather each level looks at a different part of the Bible, what was happening culturally with the people, what was the background, etc.  This year she's in level 7 which works with level 8 to take a deep dive into the New Testament.

Morning Time:

Next week, I'll go more in depth into what exactly is in our Morning Basket, but some subject we'll explore this year include apologetics, Shakepeare, and the ballet.  These are enrichment topics that we'll be learning together with my 8th grader.

Outside Classes:

Lots and lots and lots and lots of dance--Besides classes at her regular studio, she'll be auditioning for the Nutcracker and the spring ballet so that's sure to keep her busy.

Women's Bible Study--She'll be attending our Women's Bible Study with me as her dance schedule allows.

This is defintely a year of trying new things for her.  Between some new curriculum and trying college classes, she's definitely stepping into her own.  I'm excited to see it all come together and to see her take on the challenge.  I know she's going to have a great year.

What curriculum do you use in the high school years?

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