Monday, February 21, 2011

Book Club: Ministry of Motherhood: Chp 9-10

This section of the book opens us into our third "gift:" Faith.  For me, so many circumstances in my life at this moment are requiring a measure of faith that I didn't know I had.  Yet as we walk in faith, I have full confidence that the Lord will work it out for his good, no matter the outcome.

Chapter 9: Enough for a Lifetime--A Model for Faith

Clarkson brings us to the reality that life happens.  Families die, homes are lost, jobs fall away,... but it's the recognition of eternity that will ground us.  When things and people in life fall (as they always will), it's living with a purpose, with a hope for the future, that will define our existence.  As she puts it on pg 105:

  "Jesus said that this world is passing away,  that we will live with him in his kingdom for eternity, but also that eternity starts right now as we establish his spiritual kingdom in our hearts and learn to live with an eternal perspective."

It's imparting a knowledge to our children that THIS ISN'T ALL THERE IS.  There's more.  This world is fleeting, but there's more.

*Read Psalm 119:105.  According to this verse, what will give our children a proper foundation and guidance on their path of life?  In what ways does this apply to our calling as ministers to our children?

  Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light to my path--Psalm 119:105

According to this verse, knowing, and more importantly applying, God's word (the Bible) is what will guide our children.  It's what will guide all of us.  And as mothers, it's what will guide us through the toddler years, the elementary years, the teenage years, and the empty nest.  More than any parenting book, it's should be our first resource for any issue we encounter.

Chapter 10: Faith in a Living God

Clarkson reminds us that our best teaching tool is our own living example.  What will be my response?  What will be my measure of faith?  Will I choose to walk through the places I can't see?  Will I choose to walk with joy and perseverance?  Or will I allow the world to dictate my behaviors and attitudes?

Isn't that what so much of this comes down to: we can't lead our children in places we've never walked.  In seeking to fulfill our calling as mothers, we find ourselves pressed, pushed against, rubbed the wrong way, all in the pursuit of Jesus and being a living example.  How much of our lives are we willing to expose in order to truly live out more of Jesus, less of ourselves (John 3:30)?

How accurately are we portraying Christ in our own lives?

*Make a list of five things you could do to incorporate God's Word more effectively into your everyday family life.  Pick one item from this list and commit to applying it faithfully for six weeks.

Posting Scripture in our home
Committing to memorize Scripture with my children
Following the Bible application lessons from Sunday School each week
Setting aside a family devotional time
Seek opportunities to effectively lead children in prayer regarding everyday situations

What did you think of these two chapters?  Did you have any suggestions for this last question?

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