Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frugal Friday

In continuing on with my thoughts regarding Thriftiness vs. Frugality from a couple of weeks ago, I find myself to be constantly challenged in my thinking. This is just a short tally of my wins and losses in this area of my life:

Ways I've cut spending:
* Did some honest soul searching about necessary purchases regarding rebates at Rite Aid and Walgreens the last couple of weeks
* Did the same for double coupons at KMart this week and cut my list
* Passed up some deals at the grocery store because they didn't fit our meal plan or current recipes
* Passed up the luxury of a new book
* Cut down on trips to the gym in favor of old workouts
* Passed on "Make a Plate" at MOPS (despite gift idea)
* Searched gift box in closet for Easter, over buying something else
* Took a mom at her word when she said that her daughter didn't need another birthday gift
* Passed up spa night with MOPS

Luxury money that I've spent, but am ok with:
* Gas money for the holiday
* Snacks on the way to Grandma's
* Ordered photos with Walgreen's discount code
* Kids' summer swim and gymnastics lessons

Luxury money that I'm still debating on:
* MOPS night at the ceramics studio???

For more Frugal Friday thoughts, check out Life As Mom.


Unknown said...

Sounds like yo have a great handle on necessities vs. luxuries. I say if your budget can handle the class, then take it. What fun is life without a little fun.

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

Good for you for really watching your expenses! Looks like you have a great outlook on it.

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