Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Think Differently About Learning {Review}

Our children deserve more than just an assembly line education.  They deserve to be taught in a way that allows them to thrive as individuals and discover their purpose in life.  But individualized lesson plans just aren't possible in a public school setting.  So what's a parent to do?  With practical tips and real life examples, authors Maren Goerss and Angela Sizer share their educational philosophy, and how they make education work for their own families.  

Ok, let's just cut to the chase.  I did not like this book.  The subtitle is "a homeschool where children and parents thrive," but the authors start right off the bat about how they value all forms of education.  While I do think public school is valuable for a small percentage of the population, the authors' praise of all educational forms confused me in a book about homeschooling.  And this wasn't just a passing mention.  It came up several times and caused the book to loose focus.  The authors also had a definite bent about gender ideology and current hot button topics which seemed to be almost more important to them than the actual issue of homeschooling.  In certain chapters, their personal beliefs on these issues nearlyt took up more space than the actual topic of education.  Additionally, their chapters lacked focus and felt redundant... rambling over the same opinions multiple times.  There are just so many good books that address homeschooling in a much more logical, comprehensive way. I wouldn't waste my time here.

*Disclaimer: I recieved a free copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

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