Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Rhythm of Home {Review}

Desiring to create a thriving family culture?  One that connects with your core values and dreams?  A family culture of spiritual and relational growth?  Authors Chris and Jenni Graebe share their intentional habits and tips for family rhythms that cultivate a family that loves the Lord and loves each other.  Not only do their share their own habits, but they also encourage readers to find their own core values and family vision.

Some of my favorite takeaways from this book include:

*"When handled with care, home enables a person or family to move out into the world with deep resources to draw upon:a volume of memories where close relationships were forged through mealtimes, celebrations, special traditions, shared tears and laughter, and the reciprocal experience of caring and being cared for."

*"We want to create rhythms in our home that encourage honest conversation."

*"Their (kids') reactions to your efforts doesn't get to dictate the rhythms you fill your home with.  You get to choose the habits that make up your home.  Seek God for His bes rhythms for your family and then practice them faithfully, trusting Him with the results.  There is a harvest coming if you don't give up.  Trust the story He is writing.  Do it anyway."

*"Thriving families choose to speak words of life."

*"It's important to keep in mind who our children are becoming, rather than defining them by how they are acting in a specific season."

I also loved how this book is filled with questions for reflection and practical tips for implementing these concepts in families without being too specific.  Ideally this would be a great book to read when your kids are younger so you can really dig in and intentionally create a family culture from a young age.  I would also recommend reading this one with your spouse.  This book has a lot to reflect on and it would be great for a couple to get on the same page.  Good for young families.

*Disclaimer: I recieved a free copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

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