Wednesday, March 19, 2014

26 Intentional Acts of Kindness #16: Look in the Mirror

How are you doing practicing Intentional Acts of Kindness?  We're per half way through and I love how loving on others is becoming a more intentional part of our family's culture.

Are you ready for a new challenge?

Challenge #16 is to leave encouraging notes for others.  Do you ever look in the mirror and just see the gray hair?  Or maybe the bags under your eyes?  Or may that blemish that was too hard to cover with concealer?

What if someone was standing right there in that exact moment to tell you that you're beautiful?

Or maybe you're looking in the mirror remembering how you yelled at your kids this morning.  Or how you had a fight with your husband before work.  Or how you haven't talked to your mother in awhile.

What if there was someone there to encourage you to make a change in that moment?

So here's the challenge:  Write out a series of encouraging notes on post-its and carry them in your purse/bag as you go about your life in the next week or so.  Then when you're in a public bathroom, leave one on the mirror.  At the library, the grocery store, the gym, the park, ... wherever you find yourself.

Maybe one says You're beautiful.  Another says You make a difference.  Still another encourages Today is a new day.  I don't know about you, but I'd love to have a little encouragement in my day.

Are you ready for challenge?

How are your Intentional Acts of Kindness going?

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