Monday, March 17, 2025

Keeping Christ at the Center of Easter

  *This post was originally published on 3/7/16.  Enjoy!

Spring Break #5 photo IMG_5032_zpsdahtpmoi.jpg 

We love Easter.  It's a wonderful time to be with family, emerge from the doldrums of winter, and celebrate the resurrection.  And as our kids are growing, it's a joyful time to share with them why we celebrate Easter.  Below are a few things we done to point the kids back to Christ at Easter, and a few new ideas we'd like to try in the future.  It doesn't take much to open a conversation and watch our kids embrace the miracle of the holiday.

*Make Do-a-Dot Crosses
*Make Crayon Crosses
*Fill Easter Baskets with Bibles, devotionals, and prayer journals
*Read and discuss the Easter story
*Create tissue paper mosaic crosses
*Paint "Where is Jesus?" watercolor art
*Bake Resurrection Rolls
*Follow Resurrection Eggs
*Bake Resurrection Cookies
*Make pretzels and learn about their origin
*Collect items for charity
*Study Passion of the Christ artwork
*Wash your children's feet as an act of service
*Read the Crucifixion story
*Attend a sunrise service
*Listen to Handel's Messiah
*Prepare a special celebratory meal
*Make Bird's Nest cookies
*Study the origin of Easter eggs
*Plant an Easter garden
*Memorize ABC scripture cards
*Re-enact Palm Sunday with construction paper palms
*Write Easter messages in the driveway with chalk
*Color white carnations and discuss how Jesus took on our sins
*Plant a resurrection garden
*Paint a fingerprint cross (coming soon)
*Complete a lent word search
*Dip Chocolate covered pretzel crosses

How do you point your kids to Christ at Easter?

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