Monday, July 29, 2024

Five Way to Make the First Day of School Special

 *this post was originally published on 8/12/13.  Enjoy!

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When I look at this sweet little face, I can't believe it's been a year since we took this picture.  This sweet little boy and I spent his 2nd grade homeschooling and we both survived.  How can it possibly be time to start another school year?  A few days ago, I posted on facebook, asking other mom's what their favorite traditions are for the First Day of School.  These were some of the ideas we brainstormed:

Gift them with a special school supply--My kids love any special little surprise to their day.  So a new box of pencils, a fun colored binder, or a new box of crayons laying at their breakfast spot just adds a touch of fun to the morning.  It's even better when it's a surprise!

Take First Day of School photos--Everyone agreed that First Day photos are important.  Like I said, I hardly remember these little ones from last year.  It's a great way to get excited for the day and commemorate a new grade.

Go to the park with a great snack--Why not pick up your kids from school and head to the park with a special snack?  One mom even commented that they go out to ice cream after the first day.

Take a field trip--This one's for us homeschoolers.  Easing back into the new year can be tough so plan a special outing for the first day.  Or even just for the afternoon.  It can easily coincide with a new unit and since everyone's in school, you won't be fighting the crowds.

Plan a special meal--This can be a breakfast or dinner.  If you have time in the morning, a waffle bar or going out to donuts might be in order.  If not, let your kids plan what they want for dinner.  Either way, make it a treat and your kids will have something special to look forward to all day.

Most of all, just enjoy this special time with your kids.  Though the days are long, the years are short.  And next August, we'll all be saying, "Who are these kids?"  They grow up so fast.  Take a moment to commemorate the turning of a page as a new school year approaches.

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What's your favorite way to make the first day of school special?

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