Friday, July 14, 2017

Weekend Links

This Week:

What I'm Cooking:
It's cooled off a little bit here.  The A/C is actually getting a break once in awhile.  But we're really trying not to heat up the house too much.  So dinners have been super simple and light.  One of the meals we prepared this week was a chili lime fajita salad.  We seasoned some chicken and veggies with chili powder, cumin, lime, oil, etc and then cooked the fajita toppings.  We also prepared extra marinate as a dressing and served it on a bed of lettuce.  We kept ours pretty simple, but you could dress it up with tomatoes, cheese, guacamole, etc.  It was light and summery.

What I'm Loving:
I'll be honest... I'm loving sleeping in.  I'm a complete night owl, but being a homeschooler, I have to be up with the kids and tackling our day.  We can kind of do school on our own schedule, but the afternoons/evenings are filled with team practices, etc.  So I try to get us moving in the mornings. 

But over the summer, that all changes.  I get a chance to catch up on a ton of reading, watching TV, indulging my night owl tendencies, and sleeping in.

What I'm Reading:
Well, I started a review book, but I had to put it down.  It was just too much.  It's a book based on the French Revolution and right off the bat, it was just too graphic for me.  It's very rare for me to not finish a book, especially a review book.  So I'm really struggling to commit to it.  I haven't been able to pick it up the last couple of days.

What I'm Doing:
We've had a pretty quiet week around here.  Dance classes and workouts went on, but I think the kids were feeling tired like I was as well.  So we spent a lot of time at home this week: board games, baking, hide and seek, water balloons.... They had a lot of fun.

What I'm Watching: 
I'm back to watching Little People Big World.  It's interesting to see how this family has changed and evolved.  Sad at times, comforting at others.  I've been doing some binge watching!  :-)

What I'm Enjoying:
playing in the sprinkler... ice water... easy summer schedules... snuggling with my kids...
nights where everyone is at home... 

What are you up to?

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