Friday, May 31, 2024

Weekend Links ll May 31, 2024


This Week: 

What I'm Cooking:

We came home from camping mid-week and since then I've just been throwing dinners together to get through the week.  So my favorite dish this week really wasn't even a dinner, but a breakfast.  We're in fair season around here and the kids talked me into entering this year.  I decided to try my hand at scones and haven't found a recipe I've felt very successful with until this week.  I decided to try my hand at cheddar bacon scones from my daughter's cookbook and they were amazing.  I can definitely see more of those coming out of our kitchen in the near future.

What I'm Reading:

I've switched my brain into summer mode and one of the books that I return to again and again is Homeschool Bravely.  This is one that I read every summer to hype myself up for a new school year.  Trying to switch over from 23-24 to 24-25 has been a doozy and I really felt I needed the encouragement.  It's been just the boost I needed to help myself turn that corner and jumpstart my summer.

What I'm Doing:

Like I said, we've been camping.  We took 5 days on the coast, camping in the redwoods, exploring tide pools, hiking on the beach, playing in the waves, and fishing.  It was a nice way to end the school year and spend several days with good friends.  Just wish it didn't have to end.

What I'm Enjoying:

Campfires on the coast...
Tide pools...
Afternoons in the pool...
Brainstorming recipes with my daughter...
Good podcasts...

What are you up to?

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