Friday, May 3, 2024

Weekend Links ll May 3, 2024


This Week: 

What I'm Cooking:

My favorite meal this week was our lettuce wrap dinner.  This is one that I've talked about frequently and it never gets old.  We rip the lettuce, top it with rice and meat and eat ours more like bowls.  Topped with some siracha, .... it's one of those meals that you can stuff yourself with.

What I'm Reading:

I finally got my hands on a copy of Mother and Son by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs.  And now that my library has gotten a copy, I want a copy of my own.  There is so much good information and advice in this one.  I need my own copy that I could mark up.  It's really challenging the way I think about my relationship with my boys and I anticipate that it's going to take multiple reading for my to implement everything I'm learning.  Can't recommend this one enough.

What I'm Doing:

I've been trying to plan our school year for next year and it's been a huge challenge.  Really, picking Dual Enrollment classes for my soon to be junior has been the biggest challenge.  We plan on her taking an English class and I've asked her to pick out an elective to go with it.  But it's been hard for her to find one that she's happy with.  It's her first experience with college classes and I think it's intimidating her.  
Wish us luck!

What I'm Enjoying:

Dinner on the patio...
Windy afternoons...
Trying new scone recipes...
World Watch News...
Kitty snuggles...

What are you up to?

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