Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Teatime Discipleship {Review}


In Teatime Discipleship, author Sally Clarkson shares from the Scriptures, quotes, life stories and more that have shaped her unique philosophy of discipleship.  Centered around the theme of teatime, Clarkson speaks of opening her home and her heart in order to cultivate deep relationships and ultimately share the hope of the gospel.  She encourages readers that each discipleship relationship will be special based on their own story of God in their lives, and that He is willing and waiting to use them in the world.  Filled with encouragement, teatime ideas, and recipes, Teatime Discipleship draws the reader to sit at the feet of Jesus and share his message with others.

Clarkson does a wonderful job of reminding all of us to slow down and invest in those around us.  She shares how her own journey required her to reach out to others often, a reality that is especially prevalent in today's lonely world.  Still she found encouragement from Jesus and reaped the benefits of a life spent giving of herself.  In a time where we all desire to make an impact, such a simple act of sharing tea can often be overlooked.  But it's this simple act that opens a multitude of hearts.  I loved listening to the author narrate this audiobook version.  She's speaks with such love and gentleness.  A physical copy of this book would make a wonderful gift and would be an encouragment for years to come.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

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