Friday, April 2, 2021

Weekend Links ll April 2, 2021

This Week:

What I'm Cooking:
The best thing we ate this week was Cilantro Lime Fajita Chicken Salad... we marinade chicken in a cilantro lime dressing, then grill it... and we sauté bell peppers and onions... and then it all gets served on a bed of fresh greens.

It's one of the most flavorful and refreshing dishes we have.  It's so good, so light, and I could just eat it every night.

Do you have a favorite spring dish?

What I'm Reading:
I'm currently rereading Kristen Welch's Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World.  I read it several years ago, but the concepts are so good to go through again.  And they're a wonderful reminder for me as well.  Where have I allowed entitlement to creep into my own life and how can I squash it.

What I'm Loving:
The weather has been considerably warmer this week and we've been spending more school time in the backyard.  It's nice to have that time outdoors.  It breathes fresh life into our homeschool and makes our days go just a little bit smoother.

What I'm Doing:
These days I feel like I'm running in a dozen different directions... it's my favorite time of year in homeschool and yet the most stressful.  We're putting away some of our more traditional subjects and moving into a little unschooling/relaxed schooling in the spring.  So I'm researching herbs for science.  I love the idea and I know we're going to learn so much.  But sometimes in the planning stage, it's a little stressful.  I want so much to learn it well to share it with my kids.  So my brain is busy learning.  :-)

What I'm Enjoying:
Herb studies...
Spring weather...
Scripture memory...
Chalk pastel art lessons...

What are you up to?

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