Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pilgrimage: My Journey to a Deeper Faith in the Land Where Jesus Walked {Review}

This is personally my first exposure to Lynn Austin's writing.  When I saw the subtitle of this book, I thought, "Yes, that's what I want."  A personal account of someone who's "walked where Jesus walked."  What does that kind of personal exposure do for one's faith?  How would that feel?  What would that be like?  And I knew I had to dive in.

Austin begins her book with landing in Israel, somewhat wounded and disillusioned.  Life is not going the way she wants to.  This is not the future that she imagined for herself.  But as she explores "where Jesus walked," she finds that her personal vision of the future is not what matters most.  She is challenged to choose between her vision and the Lord's vision.

Truthfully, this book was so full of information; it was nearly too much for my brain to absorb.  The author is very knowledgable and delves deep into the history of Israel as well as the Biblical background and cultural implications.  In fact, as I first read the book, I wasn't sure I'd like it.  It was a lot to absorb.  But as I really dedicated time to this book, I realized it wasn't the information (which is actually well represented) that was holding me back, but rather my own reading style.  While I was trying to read quickly and review it, I found that I just needed to take it slower, ... savor, ... soak.

This is a great book for taking a deeper look into Scripture and the life that Jesus lives.  The information is far from dry; it just needs to be taken slowly.  I would recommend this title to anyone who finds himself either in a dry spell or just looking for more.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions are my own.
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