Monday, May 20, 2013

While You're Waiting: Choose your friendships wisely

Our world today is filled with billions of people.  Take a second and allow that to sink in. BILLIONS!

There are individuals populating our world from every walk of life.  Every background, every family structure, every interest, striving toward hundreds of different dreams.  We are a global society of diversity and connected by the human need to be known.

And I know you share in that need as well.

While you're growing up, and into your adulthood years, I would encourage you to choose your friendships wisely.  There will be those acquaintances who will appear exciting and interesting, but when you look deeper, you may find that the heart issues they struggle with aren't compatible with who you want to become.  I'm not saying to shun them.  Love them.  But choose your heart friends with good judgment and discretion.  

Your heart friends will influence you either in a forward direction or they can hold you back from becoming who you were meant to be.  When you open the deep recesses of who you are, you're opening yourself up in a very intimate way.  Choose friendships that will love, value, and cherish you in the way that your Father and I do.  In the way that your Heavenly Father does.  Choose friendships that will grow you in humility, gentleness, and joy.  These are the characteristics that you want to display.

As you walk through this life, I'll be praying that the Lord brings you good friends, true friends.  Friends that will walk with you through all the joys and trials that this world offers.  And I know He will.  But it's up to you to prayerfully consider the opportunities that are laid before you.  And to listen to His voice as you choose wisely.

I know you will.  And I'm so proud of the woman you are becoming.

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