Monday, April 2, 2012

2012 Goals: March Check-In

How are your 2012 Goals going? March was better than February, but I am going to print out my goals and post them somewhere in the house.  There are some goals on here that I completely forget about for the whole month and then wonder where my head was when I update the next month.  What tips have you found to work?

These were my 2012 Goals and how I did in March:

*Keep a consistent devotional time, memorizing verses through my discipleship group.--I'm still struggling with this. But the consistency of my discipleship group is helping.

*Memorize 12 verses with the kids.--We've done two so far in the past three months.

*Read 24 books.--I read 4 in Jan, 3 in Feb, and 5 in March.

*Tackle 12 DIY projects.--Tackled Homemade Wheat Thins in March

My Marriage:
*Plan a bi-weekly time of being together.--No date night this month. :-(

*Read 2-3 books together.--not yet

*Plan a yearly getaway.--Planning for this summer

My Kids:
*Plan a once a month date with each of the kids.--Took Lydia shopping, but never got a date with Noah.

*Homeschool/supplement preschool for Lydia and 1st/2nd grade for Noah.--Still working with Noah and started pre-reading with Lydia, although with other items

*Read through the Magic Treehouse series with them.--Finished book one and started listening to the series in the car again.

*Go on a field trip once a month.--Learned about the library with my son, and Lydia took a field trip to the grocery store.

Health and Wellness:

*Convert 4-5 items on our grocery list to organic, as budget allows.--Did some price research in March and going to do an experiment with 1-2 items in April.

*Develop a gym routine of 4-5 days a week.--Going twice a week so far. Love my Turbokick class.  Looking to add another day per week this month.

*Eat more seafood.--Bi-monthly so far

*Learn to make an incredible loaf of sourdough.--That's April's DIY goal.

*Plan posts one month in advance and write posts one week in advance.--Planning is good, but writing is hard right now. Usually about 4-5 days ahead.

*Spend 2 hrs a week writing on something other than the blog.--Ooops for March

*Budget my blogging time more appropriately. Do less work when the kids are around.--Getting into a better routine. March was a lot better for this.  I still spend too much time blogging, but I've been more conscious of doing it when the kids aren't around.

Link up below and just let us know how you're doing. Let's work toward real change in 2012!

*Linked to these Parties

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