Friday, August 23, 2024

Weekend Links ll Aug 23, 2024

 Four scattergories game boards with the titles "PLAY", "STAR", "READ", and "MATH". Each board has categories such as school subject, sports, classmate's name, and more, with a colorful crayon illustration.

Back to School Scattergories

slime math activities

6 Ways to Teach Math Using Slime

How to Do a Mother-Daughter American Girl Book Club

How to Host a Mother Daughter Book Club

Book cover of Gone-Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright

Guide to Gone Away Lake Chapter Books

Historical Fiction Books for Middle School

Historical Fiction Books for Middle School

This Week: 

What I'm Cooking:

We had company last night and for whatever reason, I was in the mood for homemade spaghetti sauce and meatballs.  Something I haven't made in years.  I used a few links posted by Rooted in Rest and dinner was AMAZING!  I'm so glad I made extra and threw it in the freezer.  Now we have yummy leftovers for lunches this weekend.
What I'm Reading:

Still reading Awaking Wonder by Sally Clarkson.  I'm taking my time with this one as it's so rich.  On the surface, it looks like a homeschool book.  But there are so many principles in it that apply to parenting. 

What I'm Doing:

My daughter started dual enrollment at our local community college this week and with that has come a lot of last minute details: getting books lined up, getting online accounts set up, moving off waitlist and making last minute purchases.  It's been a lot more work than I anticipated.
What I'm Enjoying:

A cool August after a record hot July...
Afternoon swimming...
Good read alouds..
Company dinners...
Word cookies...

What are you up to?

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