Friday, December 9, 2022

Christmas at the Amish Market {Review}


Shelley Shepard Gray's latest title, Christmas at the Amish Market, takes us into the busy world of storekeeper Wesley as he tries to balance his family's shop at Christmas time along with the needs of his longterm girlfriend, Liesl.  With his father sick, Wesley must take charge of the shop during the busiest time of the year, while also feeling the pressure from his parents.  Girlfriend Liesl comes up with a plan to have her aunt come help during the holidays.  Complications, however, arise when Wesley realizes the aunt, Jenny, is around his own age and he begins to develop feelings for her.  And that's not the only new romance that's budding.  Christmas at the Amish Market is all about love, relationships, and being honest with one's self.

Over the years, I've had my ups and downs with Gray's novels.  This one was an up.  She took great care in developing the characters and relationships in this book in a way that makes them all enduring.  Liesl was my least favorite character, but even in her selfishness, we're able to see a young woman who is still finding herself and striving to be better.  The storyline of the book was realistic and highlighted the tension that we all face in balancing commitments and relationships.  And while the romances became complicated at times, the characters still acted with integrity.  Shelley Shepard Gray did a good job of crafting an engaging story while keeping the characters honest.  This title makes for an enjoyable seasonal read.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

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