At 23 years old, Hayvn Powell lives an enchanted life in Nome, Alaska. Supported by her loving mother and grandfather, Hayvn and her sisters have grown into a trio of strong women. All seems ideal, until a mysterious illness strikes her grandfather, leaving the family looking for a way to hang on to their livelihood.
An unknown gentleman arrives to keep the farm running, but the girls uncover documents that may prove him less than noble. With grandfather and then their mother both falling ill, the girls must search out the truth amidst a sea of secrets and romance. Before they lose everything.
Another wonderful read by Peterson and Woodhouse. The authors of The Heart of Alaska series return to a familiar setting and place this story in the 1900's gold rush. Melding history and romance, they write a cast of well-rounded characters, each unique and distinct in their own right. Forever Hidden also includes the rich details of both the gold rush period and Alaska itself that make it an interesting read.
While some aspects of the story were predictable, others were not. And some characters that seem flat later came to life, providing twists and turns throughout the story. For anyone that loves historical Christian reads, Forever Hidden will not disappoint. The only problem is... now I'm anxiously awaiting book #2.
*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
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Appreciate your bloog post
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