Friday, February 28, 2025

What I Read and Our Homeschool Read Alouds ll February 2025


The LifeWe're Looking For by Andy Crouch

I first heard about Andy Crouch because of his Tech-Wise Family book.  I'm always trying to get my hands on fact-based information about technology and its effects on relationships.  But in looking at this author, I realized this book actually came first and so I thought this would be a good place to start.  Crouch really takes this to the spiritual side of things, pointing out how we're made in God's image, and how technology keeps us from really "seeing" that image.  It tends to dehumanize us as a society, and therefore, we are dishonoring God in our relationships.  Thus, we miss the humanness in others, living our world feeling very lonely and isolated.  I liked it, it was an interesting take on the topic (certainly not an angle I've considered before), but at times it felt like Crouch was really reaching.  Some of his examples and support felt like they were beyond the bounds of logical reasoning.  It was hard to follow his logic at times and left my mind afloat in certain chapters.  Interesting take, but not nearly as informative and engaging as Jonathan Haidt's Anxious Generation.

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

Our Story of the World curriculum suggests this title for grades 8+.  Since I'd never read it, I thought I'd tackle it myself before passing it off to my 13-year-old. Boy, am I glad I did.  A Separate Peace follows the story of 2 elite prep school roommates at the beginning of WWII.  Through a series of events, one of the boys becomes injured in such a way that he may never walk again.  His roommate does everything he can to help.  But his own involvement in the events leaves him feeling both guilty and jealous.  It's a story of intense rivalry, coming of age, and looming war.  There's a lot of language and tension in this novel that just left me feeling hopeless.  There was no redemption to the story, just a group of boys who were hopelessly lost in their despair.  I can't understand why this one is a classic and doesn't see myself assigning it in our homeschool.

Snow White and the Dragon by Kim Bussing

Senior Year Step-by-Step by Lee Binz

I can't believe I'm going to have a senior... again!  If you're new to these coffee break books, they're amazing!  Lee Binz condenses down the most important points you need to know in guiding your high schoolers toward graduation and future success.  Just over 100+ pages, I learned so much from this book to start implementing the summer before Senior Year.

For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay

I've read this title before, but some of our family is considering homeschooling.  I wanted to reread it before recommending it as a starting place.  I love the way the author makes Charlotte Mason's ideas come alive.  She really inspired me to explore this philosophy 5 years years ago, and I found myself reinspired this second reading as well.  Macaulay does a great job bringing all of this back to the humanity of our children.  We do so much of what we do because they are people and need to know how to interact with the world.  I loved this book just as much the second time as my original reading.

One Wrong Step by Jennifer A. Nielson

Our Homeschool Read Alouds:

The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig

This title coincides with our Story of the World vol 4 curriculum.  Ester and her family are sent to Siberia during WWII for being "capitalists."  While there, they must survive the scorching summers and brutal winters as war marches on in Germany and Europe.  I actually like this one better than Anne Frank's Diary.  They both have their place as Anne's work is autobiographical.  However, Ester's story allows the reader to see a different view from the concentration camps which have been so widely written about.  I would highly recommend this title for anyone studying WWII in the 6-9th grades.

Christian Heroes: Betty Greene by Janet and Geoff Benge

As I've shared before, we're working our way through several Christian Heroes books in the middle school years.  This is one we read in February.  I had never heard of Betty Greene before and after this reading, I'm so glad she's included. This book brought together several historical figures that we've read about in the past and I could really see Greene's influence on the missionary movement of the mid-late 1900's.  A lesser-known figure who made a HUGE impact.

What are you reading?

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

One Wrong Step {Review}

When 12-year-old Atlas loses his mother, climbing becomes his outlet... and eventually, his obsession.  He and his father begin traveling the world, climbing one mountain after another, in an attempt to leave the pain behind.  So when the chance to summit Mt Everest arises, they both jump at the opportunity.  When Atlas's father and the team push on, Atlas and his friend, Maddie, wait at base camp, only to watch as the team is buried in an avalanche.  Now men's only hope is to be rescued by these two teens before they run out of time.  But Atlas and Maddie might not be the only ones on the mountain.  With WWII looming in Europe, the Nazis are anxious to summit Everest as well.  When strange things start to happen on the mountain, Atlas and Maddie are left to wonder who will reach their fathers first?

Author Jennifer A. Nielsen is back with a new piece of historical fiction.  One Wrong Step is an action-packed novel that will keep you turning the pages.  Loosely based on historical events, this story about loss, family, and overcoming is incredibly well-written.  I felt myself struggling with Atlas and pulling for him throughout the entire book.  And when the teens were in trouble on Mt. Everest, I think I probably audibly gasped.  One Wrong Step is very well done.  Although marketed as middle-grade fiction, this book would be easily enjoyed by a variety of ages, and the historical setting and details give it added interest.  Very well done and highly recommended.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Monday, February 24, 2025

What's in Our Morning Basket? ll Middle School and High School

 *This post was originally published on 2/15/23.  Enjoy!

(Click on post for video)

Sharing what we are adding to our morning basket this semester with a 6th and 9th grader!

I pray that this one blesses and inspires you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join The Creative2xmom Family on their journey of being a family of 5! 💑21yrs led to 👱17 yrs, 👧15 yrs, and 👱 11 yrs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2023 Homeschool Resolutions: 2022 Homeschool Resolutions: 1000 Hours Outside in 2022: Our 2023 Read Aloud List: Our Homeschool Word of the Year ll 2021-22: My Mom Morning Basket ll Fall '21: How to Make a Charlotte Mason Book of Centuries: How I'm Preparing to Homeschool High School: Top 10 Homeschool Resolutions for the New Year ll 2020: Ten Homeschool Resolutions for 2021: Contact us for business inquiries, reviews and collaborations: Need prayer? Leave a comment or contact me at: C O N N E C T subscribe at read at like me on follow me on Music Attribution: Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod FTC Disclosure: This video is not sponsored. *This video is not intended for audiences under 13 years.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Snow White and the Dragon (or, Sleeping Beauty and the Seven Dwarfs) {Review}


In a land of mixed-up fairy tales, one never knows what will happen.  Maybe Snow White will fall through a magic mirror and join a band of huntsman.  Maybe Sleeping Beauty will find herself eating a poison apple... or searching for a cure to a sleeping spell.  Maybe these two princesses will find their lives intertwined as they work to defeat an evil stepmother and restore the crown.  Through all the twists and turns, Snow and Rose learn they can only reach their happily ever after if they work together.  Or the dragon threatens to defeat them both.

This is the second book in the Princess Swaps series, and it's just as good as the first.  Author Kim Bussing has a way of bringing out small details in these princess stories and making the reader ask, "What if?"  The twists in this story were unexpected and fun to follow.  And although the series is only loosely based on their originals, I find them to be a breath of fresh air.  The only thing that threw me off was that the main characters are 13 years old, which feels a little young.  But overall, I love this series, and this one is definitely a hit.  Highly recommend.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Top Five Reading Resources ll Homeschooling on a Budget

*This post was originally published on 2/20/19.  Enjoy!

(Click Post for Video)

Teaching your child to read can be really intimidating... especially if you're on a budget.  Join me in today's video where I share how we taught three preschoolers how to read spending very little money.

Join The Creative2xmom Family on their journey of being a family of 5! 💑17yrs led to 👱13 yrs, 👧11 yrs, and 👱 7 yrs.

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Mommy & Mia Homeschool Chronicles:


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