Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Familiar Stranger {Review}
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Spring Reading List ll 2025
Monday, March 17, 2025
Keeping Christ at the Center of Easter
*This post was originally published on 3/7/16. Enjoy!
We love Easter. It's a wonderful time to be with family, emerge from the doldrums of winter, and celebrate the resurrection. And as our kids are growing, it's a joyful time to share with them why we celebrate Easter. Below are a few things we done to point the kids back to Christ at Easter, and a few new ideas we'd like to try in the future. It doesn't take much to open a conversation and watch our kids embrace the miracle of the holiday.
*Make Do-a-Dot Crosses
*Make Crayon Crosses
*Fill Easter Baskets with Bibles, devotionals, and prayer journals
*Read and discuss the Easter story
*Create tissue paper mosaic crosses
*Paint "Where is Jesus?" watercolor art
*Bake Resurrection Rolls
*Follow Resurrection Eggs
*Bake Resurrection Cookies
*Make pretzels and learn about their origin
*Collect items for charity
*Study Passion of the Christ artwork
*Wash your children's feet as an act of service
*Read the Crucifixion story
*Attend a sunrise service
*Listen to Handel's Messiah
*Prepare a special celebratory meal
*Make Bird's Nest cookies
*Study the origin of Easter eggs
*Plant an Easter garden
*Memorize ABC scripture cards
*Re-enact Palm Sunday with construction paper palms
*Write Easter messages in the driveway with chalk
*Color white carnations and discuss how Jesus took on our sins
*Plant a resurrection garden
*Paint a fingerprint cross (coming soon)
*Complete a lent word search
*Dip Chocolate covered pretzel crosses
Friday, March 14, 2025
Weekend Links ll March 14, 2025
12 Things To Do For Homeschool Spring Nature Study
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Three Free or Inexpensive Art Resources for Homeschool
(click on post for video)
Art is one of those lessons that makes homeschool special and can really spark your child's interest. However, after purchasing all the core subjects, it can be really hard to find room in the budget. So how do you teach art inexpensively?
Join The Creative2xmom Family on their journey of being a family of 5! 💑21yrs led to 👱17 yrs, 👧15 yrs, and 👱 11 yrs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Art for Kids Hub: Chalk Pastel: Under the Home: 2022 Homeschool Resolutions: 1000 Hours Outside in 2022: Our 2023 Read Aloud List: Our Homeschool Word of the Year ll 2021-22: My Mom Morning Basket ll Fall '21: How to Make a Charlotte Mason Book of Centuries: How I'm Preparing to Homeschool High School: Top 10 Homeschool Resolutions for the New Year ll 2020: Ten Homeschool Resolutions for 2021: Contact us for business inquiries, reviews and collaborations: C O N N E C T subscribe at read at like me on follow me on Music Attribution: Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod FTC Disclosure: This video is not sponsored. *This video is not intended for audiences under 13 years.Tuesday, March 4, 2025
What is Gameschooling?
*This post was originally published on 11/29/23. Enjoy!
If you've been in the homeschooling world for any amount of time, you've probably heard the term gameschooling. But what is gameschooling? Is it a new tech program? A new virtual online school? What exactly is the hype all about? Well, that's what we're going to be talking about today. What is Gameschooling? And how can I incorporate it into my own homeschool?
Gameschooling is all about using games for teaching concepts. Everything from Math to Language Arts, History to Science... even Art History and Music. Combining academic subjects with hands on fun to bring learning to life... and throwing in a few laughs as well. And gameschooling incorporates some of those social skills that are so necessary as well: taking turns, strategy, working with a partner, being a gracious loser, problem solving, and more!
Gameschooling can be used as a primary source of teaching information (such as nature topics) or as a supplement to what you're learning in your book work. And playing games is highly disarming. When I find that we're running into a mental roadblock, I'll often look for a game that will address the same concept to help my children learn it in a fun way. Playing a game puts my children at ease and allows them to better grasp the concepts that I'm trying to teach.
Gameschooling is also a wonderful way to bring the family together. While some subject areas are better taught at grade level (math in particular), others can be taught or reviewed in a group. Gameschooling is a great way of leveling the playing field and having everyone learn together. It's also a wonderful way of inviting other family members into your homeschool. Grandma doesn't have to feel comfortable with Algebra, but may be more than happy to play a math game with the kids.
Furthermore, you can find a game on nearly any subject. Logic, geography, history, and language arts, just to name a few. Over the years, we've used both traditional games and some of the more "educational" games to incorporate gameschooling into our home. Additionally, Teachers Pay Teachers is a wonderful site for finding grade-level printables and holiday-specific learning challenges such as Mad Libs, crosswords, word searches, escape rooms, and more.
Gameschooling has become an integral part of our homeschool over the years, allowing us to learn new ideas from a comfortable, fun angle without feeling the pressure of checking off all the boxes. It's a wonderful way to create memories in your family while addressing academics and embracing your family culture.
Have you tried gameschooling?
What are some of your favorites?
Friday, February 28, 2025
What I Read and Our Homeschool Read Alouds ll February 2025
Christian Heroes: Betty Greene by Janet and Geoff Benge
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
One Wrong Step {Review}
Monday, February 24, 2025
What's in Our Morning Basket? ll Middle School and High School
*This post was originally published on 2/15/23. Enjoy!
(Click on post for video)
Sharing what we are adding to our morning basket this semester with a 6th and 9th grader!Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Snow White and the Dragon (or, Sleeping Beauty and the Seven Dwarfs) {Review}
Friday, February 14, 2025
Weekend Links ll February 14, 2025
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Top Five Reading Resources ll Homeschooling on a Budget
(Click Post for Video)
Teaching your child to read can be really intimidating... especially if you're on a budget. Join me in today's video where I share how we taught three preschoolers how to read spending very little money.
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Friday, January 31, 2025
What We Read and Our Homeschool Read Alouds ll January 2025
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Safe Harbor {Review}
Monday, January 20, 2025
Top 10 Winter Field Trips
*This post was originally published on 1/18/16. Enjoy!
The months of January and February always make me anxious about homeschooling. The excitement of the holidays has passed and summer vacation feels so far away. It's the cold winter days of being stuck indoors and stuck in a rut. So to combat the doldrums of the winter months, we've brainstormed a list of Winter Field Trips to get us through to warmer days and spring break.1. The Planetarium--We love attending our local planetarium. There are a variety of shows to learn about everything from Egyptian civilizations to the seasons to constellations. We have a show scheduled for February exploring the moons and planets.
2. Ice Skating--Why not take advantage of the season? Combine that extra energy, the cold weather, and PE time to try something new.
3. Local Art Exhibits--Check out your local art gallery for new artists and styles for your kiddos. Some local galleries will even have special events with the artist and hand-on opportunities.
4. The Grocery Store--This is a fun location for the winter when so many of us are stumped for seasonal produce. Many grocery stores will offer tours of behind the seasons locations including the freezer, deli, and storage areas. Most also offer free samples of produce and lunch.
5. Craft Store Activity--Michael's, Jo-ann's, and many local craft stores offer in store classes and activities based on the seasons and holidays. Check out local craft stores, ceramic stores, and bookstores as well for activity times and sales.
6. Indoor Pool--Find an indoor pool. Even if you're not a gym member, most will offer a special daily rate. This is another great way to break up the day and get that extra energy out.
7. Local Factory Tour--You would be surprised how many of these hidden gems there are. We've toured jelly bean, cheese, and handicraft factories. Samples and coupons are often included as well.
8. Local Government Building-- Contact your local police department, fire department, or city officials office. Ask your children to prepare a list of questions before hand as these are wonderful opportunities for learning about local government. And if you're lucky enough to live near a state capital, make sure to take a tour.
9. Library--Explore the library even if you've been there a million times before. A behind the scenes look at how books are sorted, categorized, and archived will give you a unique look into your local library. It might also help you discover a new part of the library that you've never noticed before.
10. Virtual Online Tours--There are countless virtual tours and field trips online. Studying Early American history? Look for a tour of Plymouth. Studying plants? Look for a field trip online about bee keeping or crop rotation. The sky is the limit with field trips right on your computer. Bonus: No gas money or travel expenses.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
The Secret of Honeycake {Review}
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Winter Reading List ll 2025