Tuesday, December 31, 2024

What We Read and Our Homeschool Read Alouds ll December 2024

The Storyteller's Tale by Judith Bouilloc

Cinderella and the Beast by Kim Bussing

Mama's Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes

Our Homeschool Read Alouds:

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson

This has been our Christmas read-aloud for 3-4 Decembers.  I really struggled through the first several chapters the first time we read it, but I'm so glad I stuck with it.  This is a great message about why we celebrate Christmas and how to display kindness and grace to others.

Christian Heroes: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
by Janet and Geoff Benge

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is such a rich character and example in church history.  I was excited to see that his biography was next in our reading. Living in Germany at the time of Hitler's rise, Bonhoeffer had a unique insight into his reign of terror and as part of several assassination attempts on Hitler's life.  This biography was a unique mix of Bonhoeffer's political and religious views and how the two came together at a unique period in history.  I'm especially excited as this book is coming at the point in our history curriculum where we're just starting to explore the ideas that led to WWII.

What are YOU reading?


Cinderella and the Beast (or Beauty and the Glass Slipper) {Review}


What happens when one day Belle finds herself locked in a basement? Or Cinderella wakes up in the Beast's castle?  What if fate did a princess swap in the middle of a fairy tale?

Ella has spent her life dreaming of adventure... but adventures are hard to come by when one is trapped as a household slave.  Belle has always had a life of adventure, but the family business has hit hard times and is on the brink.  So one day, Belle casts a spell, swapping lives with Ella in a desperate attempt to save her father's livelihood.  But fairy tales don't always afford an easy path to a happily ever after.  Ella must uncover the keys to a Beast's curse, and Belle must escape the wicked stepmother.  These two intertwined fairy tales take so many twists and turns that, in the end, they become new tales of their own.

Author Kim Bussing does an incredible job of keeping enough of the original elements of these two fairy tales to draw in the reader while switching just the right elements to develop original storylines. Belle and Ella, both with an original take on the problems faced in their own tales, bring a fresh perspective to this retelling.  Placing them in new storylines allows Bussing to really play with their personalities and bring out new characteristics.  It's easy to get caught up in the characters, both those from the originals and some new faces as well.  The story focuses on strong female leads as opposed to romance or becoming royalty.  Themes explored include friendship, loyalty, admiration for other's character, forgiveness, and more.  Not your average fairy tale, and I can't wait to read more from this author.  Great for preteens and early teens.

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, December 30, 2024

The Storyteller's Tale {Review}


Iliad is a snatchwords.  Whatever she reads aloud comes to life right before everyone's eyes.  She has a gift for taking tales and adventures, and bringing them to reality.  And this gift causes her to be summoned to the palace.  Along with this request, a strange and unusual courtship also draws her far from home.  So, with her whimsical grandmother to chaperone, Iliad sets off on her own adventure. But court life is unlike anything she expected.  Iliad is quickly drawn into one mystery after another.  Who can she trust?  The king who seems to be playing both sides?  Her reclusive suitor? Or the charming prince?   Her very life is dependent upon her choice.  Where will it lead her?

This book has a great premise.  An intelligent woman travels to a foreign land, meets a variety of interesting people, and stands her ground... Both the king and Iliad's suitor strive for justice in the kingdom.  There are plenty of references to classic literature and poetry.  Many of the elements and themes I look for in books that I want to pass on to my kids  But there were definitely trouble spots.  This book is listed under middle grades and teens.  It is absolutely not a middle-grade read.  There are references to Iliad taking off her clothing, being seen in only her shirt, guests to the palace being encouraged to drink to the point of drunkenness, and more.  The main characters also display an attraction to each other that is much too mature for the audience.  In addition, there are references to other characters, such as the "old bag."  Terms and attitudes that kids might be familiar with today but still don't need to be encouraged.  There are enough of these instances that I won't be handing this book over to my kids and just can't recommend this title.  There are so many great reads out there.  This just isn't one of them.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Mid-Year Homeschool Update ll 2024-25 ll High School and Middle School

 Wow!  The first semester of this school year has absolutely flown by.  I can't believe that we're already halfway through the year, and. yet, all of December has been non-stop.  And despite my best intentions, our homeschool has been in full force this Christmas season.  This was the year that I realized having high schoolers sometimes means a more hectic holiday season.  A lot of it has to do with my junior taking a DE course while pouring tons of hours with this final push for The Nutcracker.  It's all good things, just lots of things.

For my 11th grader, she's taking three courses from me: Algebra II, American History, and Physics.  American History from Notgrass has been a great fit for our family.  We're not doing all the projects, but I do have her pick a project or writing assignment each week to accomplish.  I try to keep this very carefree so she can follow her interests and explore things that she might not necessarily have the time to explore.  We've separated it from the English credit, but I do have a lot of the novels available for her to pick up as she chooses.

Her DE course, Eng 1A, was a challenge before, but it really picked up just before Thanksgiving and continues to be a challenge.  She'll finish with a decent grade, and I'm so proud of her, but it's definitely been a lot during dance season.  I think I underestimated how much time this course would take, and I should have prepared her better.  Looking back, that's a word of advice I'd have for any homeschool family.  Your child may be perfectly capable of completing this course, but are they in a season to devote the time that's necessary to complete well.  It is a step up in time and prep from high school and should be treated that way.  I knew that before, but I REALLY KNOW that now.

My 8th grader has worked through his Math challenges.  I did, too.  :-) And so many things are going well currently.  Our big struggle currently is the fact that I assigned a Living History project just before Thanksgiving.  And I love what's coming out of that assignment.  However, this is just not the right time of year.  We are on the struggle bus to finish it.  Neither of us has the heart to get it done, but we're pushing through.  

On a positive note, we've been reading A Christmas Carol and talking through character development and storyline.  It's been a great study.  I'm so glad we did this.  This little novella is jam-packed with so much good stuff, and yet, it's a gentle, fun way to enjoy the holidays and still keep learning.

Incredibly, that's our first semester... so many lessons learned so much good... a few bumps along the way, but realizing that kids keep growing, and we just work through the challenges.  Such a blessing to be at home with my kids, learning together.  

How is your homeschool year going?

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Our Top Five Christian Christmas Books

 *This post was originally published on 12/11/17.  Enjoy!

(Click on post for video)

I'm sharing with you today how we do a book advent through the month of December and our Top 5 Christian Christmas Books that we return to year after year.  Do you have a favorite?

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