*This post was originally published on 2/15/16. Enjoy!

Mornings can be hectic. Kids to drive to school, appointments to keep, and jobs to be done. Getting the morning started right, getting out the door on time, and still maintaining some sanity is quite a feat. And that's just the start of your day.
So even if you're not an early bird, these are 5 Ways to Start Your Day Right and help you conquer your morning.
1.Drink A Warm Glass of Lemon Water--
Whether you're a coffee drinker, a tea drinker, or just want a glass of water, start your morning with a warm glass of lemon water to detox your body and get yourself going. Heat up some water while your morning coffee is brewing and sip while you get ready. It's a healthy way to wake up in the morning.
2. Pray and Ponder--
While you're sipping your lemon water, take a few minutes to pray over your day. What challenges do your day hold that you need to pray over? How can you be praying for your children and your spouse before their day begins? And whether you have 5 minutes or 30 minutes, find a way to get in the Scriptures. One of my favorite ways to read Scripture on a busy morning is on index cards. Write down some Scriptures when you have time and then read through your index cards on the mornings when time is tight.
3. Scan Your Planner--
You've started your morning. Now get prepared for your day. Give yourself a heads up about what's on the agenda for the day. Make sure you haven't forgotten an appointment. Do you have a presentation at work? Is there a parent teacher conference? Anything out of the ordinary can easily fall through the cracks. So give yourself a head start by scanning your day ahead.
4. Check Your Menu Plan--
This is an easy 5 minute task, but can save you from a load of heartache at the end of the day. Take a moment to scan your menu plan and adjust as needed. Maybe you need to rearrange your meal plan based on your day. Or maybe you just need to defrost some chicken. Either way, a simple 5 minutes now could save you 30 min or more at the end of the day.
5. Hug a Loved One--
No matter what, make a point to hug a loved one before you head out for your day. Snuggle your kids close for a moment. Savor the feeling of holding your spouse's hand a little longer. Even if it's your pet, take a minute to connect, to love and be loved. Remind yourself why you get up and do this. Then go out there and conquer your day.
So what are your tips for starting your day right?
Share in the comments below.